Kayla the Dancer [a poem]

Kayla, sweet Kayla,
Dancing on the wind with dreamy eyes,
Her arms spread wide as she soars
Like wisps of a dandelion.
Bouncing and bobbing, she floats
Toward a path unseen but determined
Because she is determined.
Cradled by bold love and
Armored with warrior blood,
This wise child,
Older than her soul,
Scrunches up the clouds
And nestles among them,
Catching bubbles of curiosity tumbling by.
She stands at the edge of Everything
And a soft curl to her lips starts her laugh,
A warm and soul-hugging laugh,
A fearless, joyous, infectious laugh.
Her Everything expands as wide as the Heavens and
She leaps!
Lifted by her Mother Bear’s breath,
Who fills her space so safe she never falls,
Kayla, sweet Kayla,
Dancing on the wind with dreamy eyes,
Her arms spread wide,