When I Met You [poem]

An explosion
Of light and love and trust
Is what I felt when we met.
You had too much of it
And I didn’t believe in it.
My wall for friendships was high and soundproof
Blocking out all the niceties from
All the parents at
All the schools and
All the churches and
All the people
Who had disappeared on me
While parroting,
“Do life together.”
I was cautious.

Our first playdate
When our girls giggled away
You broke past the sunny layers and
A flood
Of energy and ideas and passion
Poured out of you,
Swirling and desperate,
Intertwined with genuine wonderment
And faith for this broken world,
And I knew,
“Ah, this soul’s for real.”

My God
Who knows when I am lost
Found me a friend to believe in.
And though busy days and messy brains
Slow us down, know that
I see you,
Loving with pain and living vibrant.
And I celebrate you,
Today and every day,
You are loved.

Today is my friend’s birthday and he asked for words. So I wrote some words. We are new friends, still getting to know each other friends, our kids were in the same class together friends, but I believe we connected on a deeper level simply because our words to each other always held truth.

Our conversations weren’t always heavy and life-exploring, but they were our genuine expressions. Frustration, hurt, confusion, excitement, joy, laughter–all of it at some point. I hope I have many more conversations with him in the future. I hope my next poem for him will be deeper and more raw. I hope he finds my words sincere.

But, if not, and if by chance our season of friendship is a short one, then at least I have written today a wonderful memory for tomorrow.

Happy birthday to my friend Jason.

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